Thursday 21 September 2017

Google is spending $1.1 billion to hire HTC's Best Smartphone Team

Contrary to the speculation of many, Google didn't buy up HTC, but pretty much bought the best they have already. They made this known in an official publication by them.
Google has "signed an agreement with HTC, a leader in consumer electronics, [to hire] a team of HTC talent [to] join Google as part of the hardware organization. These future fellow Googlers are amazing folks we've already been working with closely on the Pixel smartphone line, and we're excited to see what we can do together as one team. The deal also includes a non-exclusive license for HTC intellectual property."
The announcement, made by Rick Osterloh, who heads Google's nascent hardware division, notes that his company has been working closely with HTC since the early days of Android. Notable devices from those early days include the T-Mobile G1, the Nexus One, the Nexus 9, and the Pixel. HTC is expected to be manufacturing the Pixel 2 for Google this year, too. -AC
It's still early days for Google's hardware business. We're focused on building our core capabilities, while creating a portfolio of products that offers people a unique yet delightful experience only made possible by bringing together the best of Google software—like the Google Assistant—with thoughtfully designed hardware. HTC has been a longtime partner and has created some of the most beautiful, high-end devices on the market. We can't wait to welcome members of the HTC team to join us on this journey.
The financial details are a bit more sedate, $1.1 billion in cash, than the $12.5 billion they paid for Motorola back in 2012. Well, it actually gives them non-exclusive use of HTC’s intellectual property rights.

HTC Cher Wang And Google Rick Osterloh
Gotten from endgadget

HTC CEO Cher Wang said in a press release that her company is preparing for its next flagship already, and that this positions the company well for the future. (Please someone tell me what other position than a great one would $1.1 billion put one before???)
The move gives Google "non-exclusive" access to many of HTC's most valuable intellectual property, allowing it to iterate on future smartphones, likely in the Pixel line, for years to come. It also paves the way for developing future Pixel phones within the company itself, ensuring even more control over the hardware and the Android software. It's also believed that Google is working on its own silicon for the Pixel line, with the aim of eventually pushing Qualcomm out as the SoC provider in its flagship phones.

  • In simple terms, non exclusive means that, the access to the team they bought is not strictly restricted to just the google now surfacing hardware division.
  • The team that has been bought amounts to half of the 4,000 people in the R&D team at HTC.
  • This deal will make Google a manufacturer of its own phones, no more outsourcing the hardware part.

For HTC, the $1.1 billion amounts to a bailout of sorts after its revenue continued to dive in its most recent quarter. As good as its HTC U11 flagship has been received by the media, it hasn't sold well, and HTC has been looking for months to divest itself of some of its excess in exchange for a much-needed cash injection. Google, which relies on HTC's design and manufacturing facilities to build its Pixel phone, was likely the best suitor, since few companies want to take on the maintenance-intensive manufacturing facilities that HTC has on its books.
The deal is expected to close in early 2018 after it clears regulatory hurdles in the U.S. and Taiwan.

Like we had recalled earlier, this is not the first time Google is making this sort of purchase, do you this this will be a success unlike Motorola's 2012 unyeilding venture?

Thursday 14 September 2017

You Can Now Stream Videos For Free On 9mobile

I don't know if this is going to be permanent or my thoughts are right and it's just going to be temporary in a bid for them to make up for the losses that arose from the massive network downtime which happened recently and left a number of people decamping and even more loosing interest in subscribing to their not really cheap data plans but thing is:

Streaming YouTube videos is absolutely free with 9mobile!!!

Me when I saw it at first:

If this is some sort of juju, they best know it is taking toll on me gradually and is already working fully on a number of folks already.

They made the anouncement yesterday in not so formal a way, they simply went on their Instagram like: 
Did you know you can actually stream YouTube videos absolutely free?

There has to be a catch to it, a big one, right? that's what you thinking? well, there's a catch, a big one is what I thought to, but thing is it's pretty small. Nothing really special, Just purchase any of their monthly data plan and are free to stream YouTube videos totally free, from the hours of 1am - 5am.

You see there's no big catch to it, especially for folks like me that find it hard to sleep at night in the first place. I feel this is a great strategy, and I might be going for the next once this current subscription is done with, what do you think?

Wednesday 6 September 2017

The Ultimate Guide To Getting Your AdSense Account Approved, Maintaining And Optimizing It.


In this post I shall be dis-certifying some AdSense myths and giving tips that will automatically see to your account being approved by AdSense.

Getting AdSense is not really as hard as a crappy a process most make it seem like in the publications they release, actually that's the very reason why most don't even get it.

Actually, in this post I'd be outlining in just 3, steps you need to take to have a good stake in being approved. Good thing about AdSense is, so long you abide by their rules, you can run your Ad Code(s) on multiple blogs even though it's not the one you got approval through, albeit, those blogs should be as fit as the ones they approved you for, the one you see on this blog is from Beta Yarn.

I know what I'm about to speak to you off, been rejected by AdSense a couple of times before I got approved, when I was eventually approved, my application was approved in about 20 days. They'd normally say: we are reviewing your site, this usually takes 3 days an occasionally more... but thing is, bro, sis, they'll take more than 3 days.

I'll be putting this guide in 3 stages: 
  1. Prepare
  2. Adhere
  3. Optimize
Let's go!

1.) Prepare

You have to be prepared for AdSense, if you want AdSense to consider you, we're talking about google here you sure know they are a giant, they have standards, but fret not, nothing personal, it's business so they want you too actually, hey just want to see that you are prepared for them. Most times applications get rejected it's either the applicant did not prepare or the preparation was done amiss. In a statement, Google simply want to find you in control,  by that I mean they don't necessarily want you at the helm of affairs but want to see that you have an understanding of the affair.

How professional is your blog looking? How clean is it? I'll outline how you prepare in statements, if your blog is currently looking like garbage, it needs cleansing, and here's the sanctification process:
  • Keep the contents original, avoid plagiarism, spun article articles are a major turn of that can get your application rejected seconds after you submit, know your niche well and be unique with your publications.
  • Be neat, trust me, if your blog is looking like a world map drawn by a musician, sorry but no, AdSense won't let you in. Cleanness is next to Godliness, blog neatness is next to Google AdSense! having a theme with heavy functions won't cut it, but rather the deal is have a theme with well laid out functions, clear cut navigation, mobile responsive to the core + fast loading time is an advantage! If your blog or forum or whatever website it is is looking like it has all the archive in this world dumped on the homepage, it's a no no for AdSense. Check Beta Yarn for example of what to look like, not copy o!!!
  • Don't Flirt, most will tell you that google accept running ads from other platform but in a cautioned manner, yes they accept. But think of it, how many in a polygamous marriage are cool with their husbands having other wives, and how many in this age would willingly marry into a polygamous home in this present age? Well, my advise, keep your site clean of ads from other platforms at least until you get approved. I don't mean direct adverts like sponsored contents too.
  • Don't be new, be at least a month old not necessarily 6 months, that is your blog's existence timeline, have at least 50 publications already, you don't need much traffic, just be sure you are not the only one who visits your blog, make frequent updates on your blog/website especially while it's being reviewed, at least in every 2 days there should be something new from you.

2.) Adhere

This part you'd need to apply mostly after being approved in order not to loose the approval quicker than it came, AdSense takes no nonsense and the ban like it's an essence. They call it protecting the interest of their advertisers.
  • Do not click your ads, lest you click your way out of the system.
  • Do not trick your audience into clicking or pleading that they click, AdSense checks on their publisher sites from time to time and if you are found flouting orders, you'd get flagged out.
  • Do not jam-pack ads on a page with little or no content, like error pages or making post with only two lines...
  • Don't send ads through emails, AdSense detests it.
  • Do not put AdSense on a page where you have other adverts flowing like AdSense is competing, that's an un-welcomed insult.
  • No one cares if you are coder or not in this scenario, never alter in any form whatsoever the AdSense code.
  • Read up this page for more errors to Avoid. 

3.) Optimize

Yes, AdSense is the most paying platform available for publishers but you in for a long tale if you feel the simply start dashing you money just like that once you've been approved and you adhere. You need to optimize, but avoid any form of AdSense shorts cuts you read of. They are booby traps

To optimize:
  • Enable In-Post Ads.
  • Write engaging contents always, AdSense ads system will smartly display ads that goes along with the interest of the reader which you've already captured.
  • Enable your Ad Codes on multiple blogs, and probably 80% might not be yours, but if they are fit, and they don't have AdSense already, approach them and strike a deal on how you share the profit. Not to worry, you can track how much their URL is generating into your AdSense account from your dashboard.
And there you have it, a quick run through all you need to know as regards AdSense, got questions? let me know via comment. Happy Monetization!

Tuesday 5 September 2017

Gionee M7 is coming soon! Exciting and Not Exciting (Read Why)

Gionee M7
Gionee is bringing in a new phone, Yay!!! yass... 'cos their brand got a strong reputation, or let me just say a good reputation, but there goes the only exciting thing about it.

Judging by the only set of specs speculators see for the now, mehn, first reaction from me towards this is:
here we go again, just another piece like the others, according to hints so far, the two bicycle tires you see overlapped in this post's first pic hints at the phone coming with dual cameras... "wow!!! that's so new!" ... if you do not see the sarcasm in that... I wonder how you are reading this being that you probably closed your eyes.

And oh, the rumored magic touch is supposed to be the piece being bezel-less, oh please shoot me, creativity died in the industry already? and all every one call big deal and some even tag as flagship now following a routine of bezel-less - Fingerprint sensors - Dual Lens - 4GB ram or 6 - Dual Flash. Well that list is the amazing things being rumored to be expected for the incoming family member of the M series. Personally, I hope rumors get it wrong and it ends up better.
credit: TMI
They hinted at the release earlier this week on their website, and the brand is partnering with Ofo, a bike-sharing start-up from Beijing to bring in this one. Like I said, I hope it beats expectations.

What do you think of this?

Monday 4 September 2017

You can now make payments by just smiling.


Please don't ask me how, I wouldn't know, first I'm not from China, 2nd, I'm no way near being as crazy as their techies over there!

Yes, it is just as you read in the title, with this new technology that's already seen implementation in China, you can make payments by just flashing a smile!

Me when I first read about it:

Like seriously? is that really necessary? okay, how about this, what if I was being robbed? Huh? Nigga 'gon put a 9milli right behind me and whisper: Just smile for me baby... Doesn't that make their job easy?

Well, Alibaba has no thought of this as it has debuted the protocol at KFC in China, the method that has been dubbed 'smile to pay' was first showed off facial recognition technology at IFA in Germany two years ago when President Jack Ma showed off some basic capabilities, including the option to snap a selfie to pay. The options have advanced somewhat since then. Under the hood, Alibaba uses a technology called Face++ from Chinese startup Megvii, which raised over $150 million from investors that include Foxconn. Now Alibaba’s Ant Financial affiliate launched the ‘smile to pay’ service in Hangzhou, the location of the company’s global HQ, where it is being trialed with KFC.

As you'd see in the video above, you need nothing but your smile to cash off your account and pay for service(s) or items.

The payment process doesn’t require a smartphone, assuming that the customer has already signed up for the Alipay app and enabled facial recognition. A 3D camera located at the point-of-sale scans the customer’s face to verify their identity, while there is a phone number verification option for additional security. -TechC.

Alibaba has always been one pushing for a more advanced e-commerce system an this is actually a great step into the future of online possibilities integrated with offline necessities I must say.

What do you think of it?

Friday 1 September 2017

Hackers Selling Personal Info Of Millions Of Instagram Account at $10 million

Selena Gomez. Most popular celeb on instagram.

And to think that earlier this week I was admonishing us to watch what we post online, well yester had news reaching the tech world of hackers putting million of personal info or sale at $10million, literally.

The hackers had reported gotten hold of users info by making use of a security bug which occurred in Instagram's system earlier in the week, admitted by them(Instagram) here.

They (the group of hackers) targeted celebrity accounts and verified accounts mainly, thereafter went ahead to post nudes of Selena' ex-boyfriend Justin Bieber to her 125 million followers.

In a list sent to the Daily Beast, the hackers included 1,000 names of several well-known figures including celebrities, sports stars, and media personalities.

Unverified users weren't spared of the heist though and the hackers have already kicked off with business according to DB post, staging the price for divulging personal information of victim accounts at $10 per inquiry, hence the estimate of $10million as earlier written. They were taking payments via bitcoin.

Trying to keep things calm, Instagram tried making the holocaust look like a kitchen accident:
“Although we cannot determine which specific accounts may have been impacted, we believe it was a low percentage of Instagram accounts,” wrote Instagram CTO, Mike Krieger.

However, Doxagram, the site selling the information via the hackers, appears to be down. It’s unclear if this was an effort by Instagram to shut the site down or not, but the site is down doesn't mean the hackers have stopped selling, they could be using another method not known of yet.

Instagram however claims that they have fixed the bug now, and are working with law enforcement in a bid to bring ultimate resolution to the occurrence swiftly.

“Protecting the community has been important at Instagram from day one, and we’re constantly working to make Instagram a safer place. We are very sorry this happened,” Krieger wrote.

What do I think? I think as far as this era of tech constantly evolving, best keep your valuables offline.

Credits: TC, Getty Images.

Would You Buy This 400GB Memory Card?

SanDisk has a new record-breaking microSD coming to market, which will deliver so much storage that's likely to leave you confused as to what you'd do with it! 

The new 400GB SanDisk Ultra microSDXC UHS-I card is the world’s highest capacity card of its type.

Android’s most recent versions allow you to adopt microSD-based storage as “native internal” storage, which allows you to use it to install apps, store photos and more as if you were using a built-in flash memory drive, and is ideally suited for use in Android smartphones that feature an expansion slot.
Most recent Android devices that offer a microSD slot will support the new 400GB chip out of the box, meaning you can get your phone up to almost double what the top-end iPhone currently offers in on-board storage. Yes!
The SanDisk 400gb microSD card can hold up to 40 hours of 1080p HD video, Western Digital notes, and offers transfer speeds of up to 100mb/s. It’s also designed to comply with the A1 App Performance Class specification for flash memory, which means it can load and run apps faster when operating as adopted internal storage.
Would be on sale for just $250, which is actually very reasonable for in terms of price to storage ratio. It also comes with a 10-year limited manufacturer’s warranty.
What do you think?

Thursday 31 August 2017

New Arrival: LG V30 (4GB RAM, 6.0")

And here we have it, having been a stuff of rumor for sometime now, LG a brand that hasn't really been the most successful in the android world but a force of some credibility to reckon with has eventually unveiled the new piece that might just be able to bring them out of the shadows in the industry.

LG V30

Running on a 3,300mAh powerhouse, GPU: Adreno 540, 4GB RAM, Snapdragon 835, Octa-core (4x2.45 GHz Kryo & 4x1.9 GHz Kryo), and of course yes boasts of the fingerprint scanner feature and even better addons. the device has surely come to make a statement.

Not bezel-less but the V30's 6-inch OLED screen takes up almost all of the phone's face; the bezels are quite narrow. The V30's body is rated IP68 for water and dust resistance, there's a headphone jack on the top-right corner, and it takes microSD cards as large as 2TB to supplement the included 64GB or 128GB of storage. At the bottom you'd find a stardard USB type C port for charging, and a combination fingerprint sensor/home button on the V30's back, just beneath its dual camera. The V30 has rounded edges and slightly curved panes of Gorilla Glass 5 wrapped around a glossy metal frame, and it's quite light for its build and look, we talking 158 g (5.57 oz) precisely.

Now, about that dual camera. Unlike the G6, the V30 pairs a 16-megapixel main camera (complete with f/1.6 aperture lens) with a 13-megapixel wide-angle camera for when you want to capture more of the action in front of you. That's a little different from the dual cameras we've recently seen in phones like the Essential PH-1, but I've always preferred this approach since it's way more flexible in the field. (Snapping photos with different perspectives without even having to move is also lots of fun.) (credit: ENGADGET[link within])

The audio quality is said to HiFi Quad DAC, which gives great listening pleasure with headphones plugged in.

The device was announced sometime earlier yesterday at IFA, and below are the specs highlight:

  LG V30 Specs Highlight  

  Display    6-inch OLED, curved edges, 2880x1440 resolution, Gorilla Glass 5,

  Dimension    151.7 x 75.4 x 7.4 mm

  Weight/Colors    158 grams / Silver, Black

  Operating System  Android 7.1.2

  Processor    Qualcomm Snapdragon 835

  Storage    64GB (U.S.)  128GB (Korea, some other markets) microSD card slot

  RAM    4GB (6GB in some markets)

  Rear Cameras    16MP f/1.6, OIS, 71° FOV 13MP f/1.9, 120° FOV

  Front Camera    5MP f2.2, 90° FOV

  Audio    32-bit Quad DC, high-sensitivity microphones

  • IP68 water resistant dustproof, MIL-STD 810G certified.
  • Fingerprint (rear-mounted), accelerometer, gyro, proximity, compass, color spectrum.
  • Fast battery charging (Quick Charge 3.0)
  • Wireless charging
  • MP4/DviX/XviD/H.265/WMV player
  • MP3/WAV/FLAC/eAAC+/WMA player
  • Photo/video editor
  • Document editor

  Battery    3300mAh Non-removable

What do you think? a hit?

Wednesday 30 August 2017

Tecno Spark K7 Specs & The Plus Version.

Tecno had earlier this month released another mid-range android device into the market, equipped with pretty specs, the device is a beauty and a handy one it is. We talking 5MP front camera kitted with led flash and screen flash, device proudly flaunting 5.5 Inches, IPS LCD Touchscreen display(720 x 1280 px), and most of all she has fingerprints to boasts of! Hallelujah! This is surely a tough one to beat in the mid-range market and Tenco is screaming we're improving with it!

See specs below.

  Tecno Spark K7 Specs  

  • Platform: Android 7.0 (Nougat)
  • Processor: 1.3GHz octa-core Processor
  • Memory: 1 GB RAM or 2GB RAM
  • Colours: Champagne Gold, Phantom Black, Coral Blue, Metallic Red
  • Dimension: 153 x 76.4 x 7.9 mm
  • Display: 5.5-inch IPS Display, 720 x 1280 pixels (267ppi)
  • SIM Type: Micro-SIM
  • SIM Count: Dual SIM, Dual Standby
  • Rear Camera: 13 MP Camera, 720p HD Video
  • Rear Camera Features: LED Flash, Autofocus
  • Front Camera: 5 MP Camera, LED Flash & Screen Flash
  • Built-in Storage: 16GB Storage
  • Memory Card Support: Yes, up to 32GB
  • 2G GSM: 900 / 1800 MHz
  • 3G WCDMA: 2100MHz
  • GPRS: Yes, up to 48kbps
  • EDGE: Yes
  • 3G/WCDMA/HSPA: Yes
  • HSPA+: Yes
  • 4G LTE: No
  • WLAN: Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n
  • Wi-Fi Hotspot: Yes
  • Bluetooth: Yes, Bluetooth 4.0 with A2DP
  • USB Port: Yes, microUSB 2.0
  • Fingerprint Scanner: Yes (Rear)
  • Battery: 3000 mAh Li-ion Battery
  • Credit: NTG
Meanwhile, the plus version had some little bit of advancements done on it:

  Tecno Spark K7 Plus Specs Highlight  

  Network:   2G / 3G / 4G
  Display:   6.0 Inches, IPS LCD Touchscreen display — (720 x 1280 px)
  Software:   Android v7.0 (Nougat)
  Processor:  1.5 GHz Octa-core CPU
  Memory:   2GB RAM | 16GB ROM
  Cameras:   Front — 5 MP (LED flash) | Rear — 13 MP (autofocus, LED flash)
  Battery:   3400 mAh
  Other Features:   Fingerprint Sensor

There you go. What do you think of the device? 

The Tecno Spark is currently on Jumia going for N32,500 only, contact a Jumia Sales Consultant Via Call/Text/Whatsapp at: 08068098467 for a good deal on it with discount inclusive.

3 Reasons Why You Should Watch What You Post Online!

I've over time told a number of people that nothing is safe online! No site is overly secured, none, not even google, those privacy policies you read aren't totally true, this is business, black hat hackers are real and information is being traded daily.

Normally,our parents would say: watch your tongue, but I bring it to you today: watch your keyboard!


1.) Hackers: Yes, hackers. I know you might go like, yea yea how about you also tell me that sea pirates are still the hot thing in town, well no they're not but neither are they extinct, and same goes for hackers too. Actually, I'm not speaking of the regular hacker here that make good software for credible purposes, but I speak of the Dark Hats, those that misuse the knowledge they have as regards the internet and handling of its components. Trust me when I say they can hell yea no matter how secured the site is , get into your account, snoop around for your "secrets" and bring it to limelight. And that could affect ambitions, political in most cases, also one of the quickest way reputations get soiled, but guess what? they've got nothing on you if you ain't putting no "fine" linen of yours on no internet vault.

2.) Business: It's all business dear, don't be deceived, all these your privacy we'd never bridge by bigwigs is just pure propaganda! Most earn enough to sustain the big platforms and afford being the top dogs by selling you out! Yes you read me right, the gather info on you and others in your region and sell it out, and trust me day in day out this sort of transaction occurs as there are a whole lot of buyers ready to make purchase out there, from analysts to companies needing specific statistics and a host of others.

3.) Government: I don't know if I should call it the evil eyes but I can bet there ain't no angel watching over your posts but yes the platforms are keeping records and the government are keeping tracks. Recently Facebook released a pictorial chart that showed the number of requests for user information Facebook has received from governments across Africa between 2013 and 2016.
As you can see, Nigerian not only bests Ghana at cooking jollof, but also does her government bests the Ghanaian government, in fact all other African government at asking for a peep into your life. a whole lot of peep actually, I can only imagine what they would find.

My advise? If it offensive? Derogatory? Stupid or... and you feel you must do it? Keep it offline! Happy Browsing.

Bad News: TELCO Companies Wants To Gas Up Prices

For a while now, the telecommunication companies in the country has been agitating for some cuts, claiming people hardly indulge in the native things that brings yield anymore but rather are more active on the internet, making less calls and sending less native form of  text messages.

If their requests are met by appropriate regulators in the telecommunication industry, that would see consumers paying literally double of the current prices for same value or even less, both calls and data wise.

According to DailyTrustthey complained of rising cost of production and that they could no longer carry on with current call and data prices.

“The costs of expanding capacity and their networks have increased with the devaluation of the Naira against the US Dollars, and most consumers now spend less on telecommunication services, especially voice calls, compared to previous years” -An Official From NCC under anonymity as he had not been cleared to.
It is know that In the last 10 years, a drastic reduction had been recorded in call and data tariffs. If their requests are met, On-Net and Off-Net per minute tariffs which now stand at N12.01k and N12.64 will be N24.02 and N25.28, respectively at least.

The Association of Licensed Telecommunications Operators of Nigeria (ALTON) had complained of decreasing revenue of its members due to increasing operating cost and intrusion of Over The Top services, which some are due to the fact that Naira practically fell dead against the dollar.

Meanwhile; the National Association of Telecommunications Subscribers (NATCOMS) has advised NCC not to review the rates for voice and data services upward.

“I don’t think this is the right time to do any upward review. Government and its agencies, and the operators should be sensitive to the plight of the people.“’They should understand that we are just coming out of recession and subscribers shouldn’t be confronted with this again,’’ Ogunbanjo said.

And there you have it people, what do you think of this? For me? This people should awaken their conscience, internet is free in Sweden and these ones are here agitating to rip us off!

Tuesday 29 August 2017

Samsung expects Note8 to outsell Note5


So earlier today – during an interview of Samsung’s mobile Chief Koh Dong-jin- we got the news that they plan to sell over 11 million Galaxy Note8 units in total aiming to surpass the record set by their best selling Galaxy Note device. Yes we’re talking about Galaxy Note5, their best selling model so far that managed to sell 11 million units during its lifetime. -GizChina

Anyone would agree that the predecessor of the piece in talk here did quite a damage on the Korean Company's brand identity, the explosion made many question their credibility but the way they handled it was something laudable.

Now they've come out to say, they intend to break record with its successor, that seems a daunting task but this company for the benefit of the doubt is quite reputed for getting jobs done and some already claiming she's a future threat to apple inc.

The Samsung Galaxy Note 8 was announced earlier this month and is expected to be launched anytime in September, the speculated features for the device are as outlined below.

Dimensions162.5 x 74.8 x 8.6 mm (6.40 x 2.94 x 0.34 in)
Weight195 g (6.88 oz)
BuildCorning Gorilla Glass 5 back panel
- IP68 certified - dust/water proof over 1.5 meter and 30 minutes
- Stylus
- Samsung Pay (Visa, MasterCard certified)
OSAndroid 7.1.1 (Nougat)
ChipsetExynos 8895 Octa
CPUOcta-core (4x2.3 GHz & 4x1.7 GHz)
GPUMali-G71 MP20

TypeSuper AMOLED capacitive touchscreen, 16M colors
Size6.3 inches (~83.2% screen-to-body ratio)
Resolution1440 x 2960 pixels (~521 ppi pixel density)
ProtectionCorning Gorilla Glass 5
- HDR10 compliant
- 3D Touch (home button only)
- Always-on display

PrimaryDual 12 MP (26mm, f/1.7, PDAF & 52mm, f/2.4, AF), OIS, autofocus, 2x optical zoom, dual-LED (dual tone) flash
Features1/2.55" sensor size, 1.4 µm pixel size @ 26 mm
1/3.6" sensor size, 1.0 µm pixel size @ 52 mm
Geo-tagging, simultaneous 4K video and 9MP image recording, touch focus, face/smile detection, Auto HDR, panorama
Video2160p@30fps, 1080p@60fps, 720p@240fps, HDR, dual-video rec.
Secondary8 MP, f/1.7, autofocus, 1/3.6" sensor size, 1.22 µm pixel size, 1440p@30fps, dual video call, Auto HDR

Card slotmicroSD, up to 256 GB
Internal64/128/256 GB, 6 GB RAM

SensorsIris scanner, fingerprint (rear-mounted), accelerometer, gyro, proximity, compass, barometer, heart rate, SpO2
MessagingSMS(threaded view), MMS, Email, Push Mail, IM
- Samsung Desktop Experience support
- Fast battery charging (Quick Charge 2.0)
- Qi wireless charging
- ANT+ support
- S-Voice natural language commands and dictation
- MP4/DivX/XviD/WMV/H.265 player
- MP3/WAV/WMA/eAAC+/FLAC player
- Photo/video editor
- Document editor

Non-removable Li-Ion 3300 mAh battery
Talk timeUp to 22 h (3G)
Music playUp to 74 h

  Network Connectivity  
TechnologyGSM / HSPA / LTE
2G bandsGSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900
3G bandsHSDPA 850 / 900 / 1900 / 2100
4G bandsLTE
SpeedHSPA 42.2/5.76 Mbps, LTE-A (4CA) Cat16 1024/150 Mbps

WLANWi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, dual-band, Wi-Fi Direct, hotspot
Bluetooth5.0, A2DP, EDR, LE
USB3.1, Type-C 1.0 reversible connector

The phone as you can see is being built for war, if you ask me this is massive infiltration, except for the battery. Estimated price is: 1000 euros.  Cool?

Credits: GizCina, GSMA.