Friday 1 September 2017

Hackers Selling Personal Info Of Millions Of Instagram Account at $10 million

Selena Gomez. Most popular celeb on instagram.

And to think that earlier this week I was admonishing us to watch what we post online, well yester had news reaching the tech world of hackers putting million of personal info or sale at $10million, literally.

The hackers had reported gotten hold of users info by making use of a security bug which occurred in Instagram's system earlier in the week, admitted by them(Instagram) here.

They (the group of hackers) targeted celebrity accounts and verified accounts mainly, thereafter went ahead to post nudes of Selena' ex-boyfriend Justin Bieber to her 125 million followers.

In a list sent to the Daily Beast, the hackers included 1,000 names of several well-known figures including celebrities, sports stars, and media personalities.

Unverified users weren't spared of the heist though and the hackers have already kicked off with business according to DB post, staging the price for divulging personal information of victim accounts at $10 per inquiry, hence the estimate of $10million as earlier written. They were taking payments via bitcoin.

Trying to keep things calm, Instagram tried making the holocaust look like a kitchen accident:
“Although we cannot determine which specific accounts may have been impacted, we believe it was a low percentage of Instagram accounts,” wrote Instagram CTO, Mike Krieger.

However, Doxagram, the site selling the information via the hackers, appears to be down. It’s unclear if this was an effort by Instagram to shut the site down or not, but the site is down doesn't mean the hackers have stopped selling, they could be using another method not known of yet.

Instagram however claims that they have fixed the bug now, and are working with law enforcement in a bid to bring ultimate resolution to the occurrence swiftly.

“Protecting the community has been important at Instagram from day one, and we’re constantly working to make Instagram a safer place. We are very sorry this happened,” Krieger wrote.

What do I think? I think as far as this era of tech constantly evolving, best keep your valuables offline.

Credits: TC, Getty Images.


Cirphrank / Author & Editor

A simple blend of an poet who's a lover of codes, a digital marketer that knows his onions and spices. Cirphrank is a pun.

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