Wednesday 30 August 2017

Bad News: TELCO Companies Wants To Gas Up Prices

For a while now, the telecommunication companies in the country has been agitating for some cuts, claiming people hardly indulge in the native things that brings yield anymore but rather are more active on the internet, making less calls and sending less native form of  text messages.

If their requests are met by appropriate regulators in the telecommunication industry, that would see consumers paying literally double of the current prices for same value or even less, both calls and data wise.

According to DailyTrustthey complained of rising cost of production and that they could no longer carry on with current call and data prices.

“The costs of expanding capacity and their networks have increased with the devaluation of the Naira against the US Dollars, and most consumers now spend less on telecommunication services, especially voice calls, compared to previous years” -An Official From NCC under anonymity as he had not been cleared to.
It is know that In the last 10 years, a drastic reduction had been recorded in call and data tariffs. If their requests are met, On-Net and Off-Net per minute tariffs which now stand at N12.01k and N12.64 will be N24.02 and N25.28, respectively at least.

The Association of Licensed Telecommunications Operators of Nigeria (ALTON) had complained of decreasing revenue of its members due to increasing operating cost and intrusion of Over The Top services, which some are due to the fact that Naira practically fell dead against the dollar.

Meanwhile; the National Association of Telecommunications Subscribers (NATCOMS) has advised NCC not to review the rates for voice and data services upward.

“I don’t think this is the right time to do any upward review. Government and its agencies, and the operators should be sensitive to the plight of the people.“’They should understand that we are just coming out of recession and subscribers shouldn’t be confronted with this again,’’ Ogunbanjo said.

And there you have it people, what do you think of this? For me? This people should awaken their conscience, internet is free in Sweden and these ones are here agitating to rip us off!


Cirphrank / Author & Editor

A simple blend of an poet who's a lover of codes, a digital marketer that knows his onions and spices. Cirphrank is a pun.

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