Thursday 14 September 2017

You Can Now Stream Videos For Free On 9mobile

I don't know if this is going to be permanent or my thoughts are right and it's just going to be temporary in a bid for them to make up for the losses that arose from the massive network downtime which happened recently and left a number of people decamping and even more loosing interest in subscribing to their not really cheap data plans but thing is:

Streaming YouTube videos is absolutely free with 9mobile!!!

Me when I saw it at first:

If this is some sort of juju, they best know it is taking toll on me gradually and is already working fully on a number of folks already.

They made the anouncement yesterday in not so formal a way, they simply went on their Instagram like: 
Did you know you can actually stream YouTube videos absolutely free?

There has to be a catch to it, a big one, right? that's what you thinking? well, there's a catch, a big one is what I thought to, but thing is it's pretty small. Nothing really special, Just purchase any of their monthly data plan and are free to stream YouTube videos totally free, from the hours of 1am - 5am.

You see there's no big catch to it, especially for folks like me that find it hard to sleep at night in the first place. I feel this is a great strategy, and I might be going for the next once this current subscription is done with, what do you think?


Cirphrank / Author & Editor

A simple blend of an poet who's a lover of codes, a digital marketer that knows his onions and spices. Cirphrank is a pun.

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