Tuesday 18 July 2017

It's official! Etisalat is now 9mobile (Proof)

Remember how I flag the name as just a rumour as far as officiality is concerned so far? Well, things just started getting official and yes, it is 9mobile.

Up until yesterday, they still rolled out notifications using the etisalat brand name, but here the come today, rolling out notification as you can see in the shot above with the name 9mobile.

And then about 2hours earlier, the deleted all old posts on IG and changed name to 9mobile_ng and then posted the below pics:

What do you think of the name? Hit or miss?

(With the "_ng" could it be that there is actually 9mobile in another country?)


Cirphrank / Author & Editor

A simple blend of an poet who's a lover of codes, a digital marketer that knows his onions and spices. Cirphrank is a pun.

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