Monday 17 July 2017

5 ways with which you can earn online.

Hi there, been a while I did some thing like this but morning y'all. Here we go. Even before recession hit the nation, pockets have been on recess, like they took a hit? well, that has always been a driving force for man always being in need, in need of money. Wants have to be met, hence why money have to be made. Even if you are a you fellow not paying the bills yet, you definitely can't get all that attracts you off your Parents cash, that can't be. If you ask me, it's never too early to earn, you ain't too young to get rich. In this post, I'll show, discuss briefly 5 ways I know you can earn online relatively with ease.


Sell Your Product(s)

Everyone has something he or she does or can do, products you can deliver, if you have nothing of such yet, try to. Now let's say you make cool bags maybe even on custom orders, with maybe even a twist (like with beads) and you sure of yourself to be pretty good at this to the extent of being able to deliver appreciable products, then what are you waiting for? SELL!!!
Disclaimer: Image gotten from Google search
Now you take your device, take snaps, i.e (photos) of your products e.g shoes, write a concise article on what you do and put yourself out there!How Do I put Myself Out There?

  • Make Use Of Forums: There are countless number of forums with different folks from different walks using them all day and some are even addicts to some of this platforms, know what else? even though unconscious of it most times, many of them are scouting for potential commodities to purchase, and trust me, anyone will pay, if they see/feel value is attached. Most of this forums are free to use, take advantage of that, create a topic showcasing your product and say you a little prayer. E.g of such forums: BETA YARN
  • Use Classified Platforms: By these I mean the likes of OLX, JIJI and likes, they don't seem much, but trust me, many at times, they get the job done, most especially if what you do is sell 2nd hand mobile phones.
  • E-commerce: You may also want to go professional on showcasing yourself, if that's the case I'd say if you have a robust capital to do this, hire a web developer to build you an e-commerce store for your BRAND only. Otherwise, I'd advise you contact third parties, make use of existing platforms like Jumia, Konga, and likes.


    Sell Your Service(s)

    For this one, I'd be making reference to just one platform: FIVERR . 

    Disclaimer: Image gotten from Google search
    Let's say you are a graphics designer, this is pretty simple, go to the site and create an account, thereafter, CREATE A GIG, won't be talking about using the site because it is self explanatory.  Simply put what fiverr does is put you out there for hire. 

    Start A Blog

    Are you a good writer? Got passion for literature or for writing articles or delivering news? can you come up with good contents? then you may want to try your hands at blogging.

    Disclaimer: Image gotten from Google search
    Doesn't pay as early as as the ones listed above but does when you've made yourself an authority in your niche. Want to consider it? Click to blogging in this blog' menu at the header to delve into the world of it.



    Do you know your way around the social media pretty well? You good with canvassing audiences online? You can generate traffic? i.e flow of visits to a page? e.g your profile page, you are a social media savvy??? C'mon, don't just spend every day chatting away potential bank alerts,

    Disclaimer: Image gotten from Google search
    It's time you earn! Start up Brands are springing up every now and then, approach them, make yourself known to as a social media marketer, that you can create a valid online awareness for their brand, all they need to do is pay you a "token" and before you know it your pocket is all grin.


    Get Paid To Write

    Now this will involve you doing a little research for yourself, I have given enough free advert already in this post in a bid to enlighten us, so this time I'll just give you tip-off on this.

    Disclaimer: Image gotten from Google search
    Do you know their are sites readily paying writers to showcase their skills on their platform? no? well now you do as I've just told you, both within and outside the country with varying payment methods, are you a writer? it's time you start earning as one, give the internet a search on this tip-off and choose the platform which best tickles your fancy.

    And with that reader, it's a wrap. 5 simple basic ways well explained through which you can earn online as a Nigerian, hope you enjoyed it. Have a nice day.


    Cirphrank / Author & Editor

    A simple blend of an poet who's a lover of codes, a digital marketer that knows his onions and spices. Cirphrank is a pun.

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