Friday 14 July 2017

Airtel is upto something, and it's unlimited!

Well, people of God, here we go, seems like better days are about to dawn on us and the true grand masters of tech in my own view seems to be the ones that would be championing the cause.

Well, in a number of countries which I'm not about to start naming, Data Costs Nothing.

But back to Nigeria, we all know Data is either something that zaps or snails up. But if we are to go along with what Airtel NG had been hinting at since earlier this week, we are to be believe thigs are about to get better "unlimitedly" . That's according to the adverts they have been sharing starring their amazing Gabriel Afolayan whose humor in the adverts make them top notch.

In the adverts, the guy puts up hard terms for sharing his data as he's watching out for his limited subscriptions. The adverts are just a minute each, but one minute of awesomeness  must say, Airtel did nail it.

Well, after seeing these, we can only hope for the best, I hope this don't end up really awry.

Off Topic Notice:For once I thought of titling this post: "who has seen airtel recent awsome ads?" For real, don't you think their ads has been cool recently???


Cirphrank / Author & Editor

A simple blend of an poet who's a lover of codes, a digital marketer that knows his onions and spices. Cirphrank is a pun.

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