Friday 18 August 2017

The Logo Making Cheat Sheet

In this post, I'm going to be showing a number of us something really simple that we likely know not off yet. I call it: The Logo Making Cheat Sheet.

You probably have tried your hands at a number of logo making web based app before but non really deliver like their  front page screams, believe me when I say these guys that i'm about to tell you of are different and so okay for personal use and a bit okay for mini commercial purposes, I earned some money from locals personally, from designing Logos for them using this free service.

I speak of no other than LOGOMAKR

Like I said earlier, logo maker is a web based app, so yes, you'll be needing an internet connection all the way till you export your work offline.

Do they charge for HD image export? yes, but what do we really need HD image for? when we only want to use a small image for logo, believe me the normal quality given for free still suites the job, logo making.

And no, it doesn't really consume data, plus I don't have a personal meet with them so NO this is not one bit a hog wash, I'm not getting paid for it.

  • Easy To Use
  • Free clear image Export
  • Low Data Consumption
  • Free logo/graphics, a lot of them to choose from to spice up your piece
  • Flexibility, you can tweak shapes, texts, and graphics. 

and more...
Let's get to the designing. To get started, visit:

I won't be dropping any direction on how to use the site in this post but not to worry, that's because the system is self explanatory, and moreover upon your first visit, a video pops up which you should play, it explains even the more the workings of the site.

And that's it, if you encounter any issue though, do let me know via comments and be sure I'd respond.


Cirphrank / Author & Editor

A simple blend of an poet who's a lover of codes, a digital marketer that knows his onions and spices. Cirphrank is a pun.

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